Optimizing Conversion Rates With Crypto Ad Banners: Strategies That Work

The subject of banner advertisements arouses such passion when employing high ROI strategies for marketing crypto projects, particularly in the finance/tech industry, where the audience is highly skeptical and quick to click off any irrelevant, scammy, or annoying display advertisement. 2023 survey suggests the same, 86% of internet surfers suffer banner blindness.

For an industry that has wiped $2.57 billion in market value through scams, internet users have become more hesitant with crypto advertisements. Some opt for crypto ad blockers on their browsers and social media. 2-years ago, one would not even mention cryptocurrencies in their boosted Facebook posts. Despite the world growing a bit more tolerant of crypto over time, marketers still need to unbind the 86% banner blindness or target the remaining 24% in their ads. For those who have failed to do one of these, low ROI and budget wastage have come back to haunt their campaigns. 

Optimizing Conversion Rates With Crypto Ad Banners: Strategies That Work

“Getting the Like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust.” says Jon Loomer. This applies to any form of marketing, but a more straightforward and targeted approach is required with crypto display advertisements. Internet users will easily and unconsciously decide to skip ads on a webpage when the ad is either too boring, frequent, or intrusive. A segment of marketers argue banner blindness is only prevalent among millennials and younger generations, who spend most of their time using the internet. The best they can do is employ strategic methods to solve this selective attentiveness and avoid the one DON’T:

Don’t use spray and pray banner advertisement blasts. As a marketer, strive to offer value, announce smart discounts, new strategic customer deals, or entertaining and educative display content. 

Bitmedia is a digital advertising network that tailors targeted advertisements for brands wishing to reach a niche audience in the cryptocurrency, blockchain, gaming, and betting industries. The marketing agency provides a number of ad forms, including display banners, native advertisements, sticky ads, and pop-ups, allowing advertisers to successfully market their products or services. To guarantee advertisers reach their intended audience, the platform employs advanced targeting capabilities, such as geo-location and device type. In addition, the team is versatile with real-time analytics and analysis, allowing advertisers to track and optimize the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Launched in 2014, Bitmedia has been strategic in driving mainstream adoption of crypto and digital currencies, thereby making the company a darling among crypto firms as a result of its focus on the crypto, web3, and the gaming industry. At a time when smart advertising continues to dry off, Bitmedia aims to employ the latest technology in marketing and empowering display advertising through the blockchain, big data, and high-load technologies.

Selective attentiveness forces internet users to concentrate on a small subset of information, mainly entertaining content and advertising from industries they care about. They have to do this, or else the internet is full of information at a time when ad hyper fatigue is highest. Some of the reasons for this include:

  1. Singleminded behavior. The mind will easily ignore different formats on a themed website. Display ads employ different colors, images, and text fonts.
  2. Cluttered single pages with too many banner advertisements force users to subconsciously ignore and skip them.
  3. Unpleasant and annoying memory about particularly intrusive ads.
  4. Little to no ad content value.

Fortunately, there are effective strategies for optimizing conversion rates and overcoming banner blindness in crypto ad banners. Since there are multiple solutions available, Bitmedia recommends brands perform A/B testing and find out what works for them. For example, creating two versions of one ad for a blockchain casino and implementing a CTR metric to determine which ad performs better. Below are methods for optimizing conversion rates with cryptocurrency ad banners: 

Optimizing Conversion Rates With Crypto Ad Banners: Strategies That Work

Strategies That Work With Crypto Ad Banners

Proper Ad targeting

A lack of proper targeting will waste money and generate little to no ROI. Bitmedia employs big data, intelligent algorithms, and proper branding to determine the right target. Audience segmentation is vital at this point. Hence, Bitmedia segments the target market using geo-location, gender, age, and specific interests.

Effective Native Ad Design

Display advertisements should share the same look, feel, and theme as the webpage they appear on, thereby making them less prone to display ad blindness. As a result, ads get a high average CTR since more people are now paying attention.

Relevant Content

Marketers are bombarding internet users with excess information every day. As a result, users are becoming more aware of their needs. They have become more interested in information that serves their needs, and tend to click away from irrelevant content. Bitmedia stresses the need to tailor the messaging for each ad campaign. The first step in doing so involves learning and understanding target customers.

Balance, Frequency, Reach, and Consistency

Marketers need to strike a balance between ad frequency, reach, and consistency. People's attention to marketing content has waned down drastically in the last 5-years. Internet users are bombarded with a proliferation of videos, text, podcasts, blog posts, social media posts, and so on. Marketing departments are competing for this attention, with a few opting for desperate measures to win more conversions. Frequency can be excess or insufficient. This is why brands have to be moderate in how they send new ads and remain consistent with scheduling. This will not only establish trust but also increase awareness, enhance customer loyalty, and attract new prospects.


Display advertisements offer limited character space to reliably construct a valuable copy and entice new users. Being clear and direct are signs of a strong CTA. Filter out any irrelevant information and give urgency to ads through emotion, concise copy, and conversion rate optimization.

Interactive Crypto Ad Banners

Employ highly interactive display ads using eye-catching 3D and AR graphics. Nice videos and entertaining graphics can combat banner blindness and make ads more userfriendly. Bitmedia has positioned itself as a leading brand for providing interactive crypto display advertisements. As a blockchain media agency, the whole idea of the company is positioning crypto companies in the eyes of their target audience. 

Partying Shot

Competition for internet attention is fierce, and brands have to employ strategies that work in combating banner blindness. Bitmedia.io is focused on helping cryptocurrency companies create tailored campaigns and optimize conversion rates with crypto ad banners. If you think there is a problem with your display advertisements, Bitmedia has the bandwidth to drive targeted traffic to your blockchain project.