How to Start Investing in Cryptocurrency? Beginner's Guide

This guide will help you understand the fundamentals of investing in cryptocurrency, and you will also learn how to start crypto investment in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. 

Why Bitcoin (And Other Cryptocurrencies) Are Different From The Stock Market:

You first need to understand that Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) differ from the stock market. A stock market is an old form of money. It was created hundreds of years ago and has changed little since then. Today's most famous stock exchanges have been operating for over 100 years; they're no longer innovating or adapting to new technologies like blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

The second thing you should know about crypto investment in cryptocurrency is how different these types of investments are from traditional stocks or bonds and why people choose them over other investment vehicles such as mutual funds or gold ETFs!

What Is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are not backed by a government, regulated by a government, or controlled by a bank. Cryptocurrencies have no central authority. 

What Is A Mining Pool?

A mining pool is a group of people who share their computing power to mine cryptocurrency. The more people who join the pool, the faster it can mine and earn you some money. 

How To Buy Ether; What Is A Gas Limit?

The first step to buying Ether is to set up a wallet. A wallet is where you store the cryptocurrency and usually have access to it on your phone or desktop. 

Buying Altcoins:

Altcoins are alternative coins to Bitcoin. They can be thought of as the «next big thing» in cryptocurrency, and they're often referred to as altcoins because they're not related directly or indirectly to Bitcoin. Altcoins are not clones, forks, or alternatives to Bitcoin; they exist independently of each other and don't share any code. The best way to think about altcoins is that they're like siblings who grew up together but never met their parents (Bitcoin).

Should You Keep Your Bitcoins In A Wallet?

Now that you've learned the basics of cryptocurrency, it's time to start investing. One of these is whether or not you should keep your Bitcoins, Ethereum (and other cryptocurrencies) on an exchange or in a wallet on your computer or mobile phone.

The answer depends on what kind of security measures each platform provides and how much risk is associated with using them. If someone gets hacked or loses their password because they didn't adequately protect themselves from being hacked, then they'll lose all their coins! When buying and storing large amounts of money online, it’s essential to ensure everything goes smoothly before spending any cash, which can happen quickly without warning if something goes wrong unexpectedly.

How To Use Shapeshift.Io To Trade Altcoins?

ShapeShift is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows you to trade between cryptocurrencies. It's also one of the most popular exchanges in the world, with over 2 million users and over 4,000 different cryptocurrencies available for trading.

ShapeShift is excellent for beginners because it has an intuitive interface and many features built into it that make trading easier. For example, if you want to sell your coins at an exchange that doesn't accept ShapeShift as a payment method (like Coinbase), enter 'sell' in the search bar and click «Sell." 


Investing In Cryptocurrency Can Be Risky, But It's Also Highly Profitable By Any Standard:

Cryptocurrency is a new asset class, so the government does not regulate it, and it can be volatile and profitable. Cryptocurrencies are neither backed by gold or silver nor backed by FDIC-insured banks.