How to be a Bitcoin Miner in 2022: Cloud, Home Mining, or Hosting?

Everyone wants to start working with cryptocurrency, because the practice shows that you can have a great income and do almost nothing. But first of all, you need to learn as much details about processes as possible, to study the local market and to understand what currency is the most profitable to produce. Also, it is essential to figure out how crypto mining will be best for you. Some people choose to start mining with Minery mining hosting service and others insist that home mining is the best solution. Let's find out what will really make the most profit.

How to be a Bitcoin Miner in 2022: Cloud, Home Mining, or Hosting?

How Does the Cryptocurrency Mining Process Occur?

If we consider the situation with bitcoin, miners perform support for the payment system, confirm transactions and keep records of smart contracts. Miners receive bitcoins for this work. The mining process is the entry of bitcoin transactions into a database. Blockchain is used to understand and distinguish which transactions are real or where there is another attempt to spend the same bitcoins twice. Mining is specifically designed to be complex and resource-intensive so that the number of blocks found by the miners doesn't change every day.

Nowadays cryptocurrency is most often mined on so-called mining farms and specialized devices. A farm is a room with a certain number of computers with all the necessary software for producing cryptocurrencies. In such a room there must be the necessary temperature control to avoid overheating of computers.

The economic feasibility of mining is directly affected by the following factors:

— electricity costs,

— the performance of the computers,

— complexity,

— currency exchange rates.

What's Behind Cloud Mining?

Mining has always been a business with a certain uncertainty, because a rapid drop in the value of the cryptocurrency can ruin all business plans. This problem led to cloud mining, where big miners rent some of their equipment online to small miners with the help of special programs. It is a type of investment that involves the investor renting some of the remotely located farm equipment from the owner. The risks fall entirely on the miner's company, because it is very difficult to guarantee profitability in this financial industry.

Some investors for this purpose even began to create large mining enterprises in favorable locations, where there are no difficulties with the cooling of equipment, and to rent part of the capacity worldwide. The experts of such companies study the dynamics of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies prices, look for promising newcomers and mine several of the most profitable digital currencies simultaneously.

In order to connect to cloud mining, you need to:

— choose the best option,

— decide on the capacity and calculation algorithm,

— choose the rental period,

— pay the rent cost,

receive regular charges from the company.

Is Home Mining Still in Demand?

Home or solo mining is an independent solution. You gather the transactions into the block, sign and get the remuneration determined by the algorithm. You also get commissions from the transfers. But keep in mind that without the extracted value the block won't close, and if that value was found by another miner, he/ she will get the reward.

To achieve your goals you need to gather a lot of power, because producing currency today is much more difficult. This immediately raises a lot of questions that you should pay attention to:

— Is there storage space for the equipment?

— What is the situation with cooling?

— Is there enough ventilation?

— Is there no risk of fire?

Home mining was popular at the beginning of the crypto industry, everything was easier. But now, when there are pools, hosting and huge computing systems, this method falls back on the second or even third plan.

Is it profitable to Choose Bitcoin Miner Hosting?

Today crypto hosting is one of the most popular ways of extracting crypto. This is due to the ease of operation and essentially obtaining bitcoins and other currencies without much stress. The essence of hosting is simple: you give your equipment to special facilities, which have the necessary conditions for uninterrupted and high-quality mining. Also, there is an option to buy the hardware directly from a company that is engaged in the equipment hosting. This is a cool option, because the cost of devices will not be with the extra charge, since the company is interacting with the suppliers directly.

Mining hosting service solves a huge number of problems that may arise in the case of home mining. Specialists take care of the safety of the equipment, its repair, ventilation, cooling level and non-stop production of crypto.


Being a bitcoin miner in 2022 will be more difficult than ever before.You need huge powers to mine the currency. At the same time, modern solutions offer many ways to make money from cryptocurrency even without leaving home. The best and most popular way at the moment is hosting. This method opens more opportunities for the client.