Women's Fractal Trip Boots

Enjoy every step, turning heads on the go! Classic style boots with PU sole and an excellent quality print are made to boost one's self-confidence and to dare onlookers to follow the new trend. 30.69 oz. Nylon-canvas 6.5-11 US sizes Rubber sole With rear pull-loopby Mile High Gear
SKU: 6578346262563
You can buy Women's Fractal Trip Boots using cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Dash, Tether, XRP, Monero, Binance Coin, Tron, Dai, USDC, Shiba Inu, Stellar, Cardano, Polygon, Chainlink, Bitcoin Lightning Network, Axie Infinity.
We offer free shipping. Please see milehighgear.com for details.
We offer a 30 day return policy. Please see milehighgear.com for details.

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