2 vCores CPU
60 GB NVMe SSD Storage
Port Speed up to 1 Gbps
Unmetered Bandwidth
1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6 Assigned
KVM Virtualization
You can buy Omega using cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Dash, Tether, XRP, Monero, Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Binance Coin, Tron, Dai, USDC, Shiba Inu, Stellar, DigiByte, Cardano, Bitcoin Gold, Qtum, Binance USD, EOS, Solana, Polygon, Pax Dollar, Polkadot, Bitcoin SV, Chainlink, Decred, OmiseGO, Beam, Filecoin, Fantom, Bitcoin Lightning Network, Electroneum, Holo, Groestlcoin, Bytecoin, XEM, Komodo, Quant, PIVX, Apollo, Crypto.com Coin, Velas, NestEGG Coin, BXMI, VIRVIA, Toncoin, Verge.
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