Lobelia | 1000 mg, 60 Vegan Capsules

Learn all about Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules
Lobelia plant has long been utilized for therapeutic purposes. It contains active compounds believed to have numerous health benefits. Lobeline is the main one of these compounds and responsible for the healing properties of the...
Show more...Learn all about Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules
Lobelia plant has long been utilized for therapeutic purposes. It contains active compounds believed to have numerous health benefits. Lobeline is the main one of these compounds and responsible for the healing properties of the plant.
Lobelia is used to improve the respiratory system by relaxing the airways, stimulating breathing, and clearing mucus.
It's also used to enhance memory and difficulty focusing by improving the release of dopamine in your brain.
Lobelia interacts with brain receptors responsible for releasing neurotransmitters that make drugs addictive, so it may be helpful for those trying to quit smoking or drug abuse.
Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules are powerful, potent, and affordable, all with the highest quality ingredients!
Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules may assist with:

Memory and concentration
Respiratory health
Drug abuse
Stress and anxiety

The Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) is an erect annual or biennial herb native to North America. It's also known as Indian tobacco, Puke weed, Asthma Weed, and Vomitwort.


History of Lobelia

Familiar Name:
Indian tobacco, Puke weed, Asthma Weed, and Vomitwort

Scientific Name:
Lobelia inflata


Parts Used in Supplement:
Above ground parts

Grown In:
North America

Lobelia has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. Native Americans used it for respiratory and muscle disorders, as a purgative, and for ceremonial purposes. The leaves were chewed and smoked, and the foliage was burned as a natural insecticide.
Studies and Trials for Lobelia

"Lobeline Effects on Cognitive Performance in Adult ADHD."

In preclinical studies, lobeline inhibited hyperactivity induced by nicotine and amphetamine, and improved performance and learning in studies utilizing radial-arm maze and spatial-discrimination water maze. This laboratory proof-of-concept study investigated lobeline as a treatment for ADHD symptoms in adults (31.11 ± 7.08 years).
Using cognitive tasks and self-report measures, the effects of lobeline and methylphenidate were assessed in nine volunteers with ADHD.
Evidence suggested that lobeline could modestly improve working memory in adults with ADHD, but no significant improvement in attention was observed. Lobeline administration was associated with mild adverse side effects (nausea).

Martin CA, Nuzzo PA, Ranseen JD, et al. Lobeline Effects on Cognitive Performance in Adult ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2018;22(14):1361-1366. doi:10.1177/1087054713497791


Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules are better. Here's why:

100% pure and high-quality Lobelia herbal supplement
60 vegan capsules (Two Month Supply)
Free of fillers, additives, and preservatives
No gluten, yeast, corn, or dairy
Vegan & Kosher
Handmade in Key Largo, FL, USA
Pharmacists reviewed and approved
Quality and potency are guaranteed

When you buy supplements from Remedy's Nutrition®, you get the absolute best available. The best quality, the most beneficial products available anywhere, guaranteed!
Remedy's Nutrition® Means Results! Quality, Purity, Pride.


Dosage - How much Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia should I take?
Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. We do not add binders, fillers, or additives to our herbal supplements. Our supplements are easily digestible, and the absorption is greatly improved over other inferior herbal supplements.

1000 mg per vegetarian capsule
One vegetarian capsule daily
May be taken in the morning or evening

Feel free to contact us for a recommendation on how to take this supplement.


Potential Side Effects
Potential side effects may include confusion, diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, sweating, rapid heartbeat, tremors, and vomiting. The root is toxic and can be fatal if consumed.
Drug interactions
Lobelia may interact with certain medications. Please consult your physician for potential drug interactions before taking Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Not enough is known about the use of Lobelia during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consult your physician before using Lobelia.
Please consult your physician if you are scheduled for a surgery.
Other Cautions
Always consult with a healthcare practitioner before taking any new supplement.

Often Taken With
Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules are often taken with these:

Remedy's Nutrition® Stress Management Power Pack™
Remedy's Nutrition® Cough and Smoking Ease™
Remedy's Nutrition® Easy Breathe™
Remedy's Nutrition® Memory Plus™

Q & A
Q & A about Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules

What is Lobelia?
Lobelia is an erect annual or biennial herb native to North America. It's also known as Indian tobacco, Puke weed, Asthma Weed, and Vomitwort.
What are the benefits of taking Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules?
Lobelia is used to improve the respiratory system, enhance memory and difficulty focusing, reduce stress and anxiety, and help those trying to quit smoking or drug abuse.
Can I take Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules every day? If yes, how many Lobelia capsules should I take?
Yes, the recommended dosage is one capsule daily.
Are there any side effects of taking Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules?
Potential side effects may include confusion, diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, sweating, rapid heartbeat, tremors, and vomiting. The root is toxic and can be fatal if consumed. Always consult with a healthcare practitioner before taking any new supplement.
Are Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules safe for kids?
Ensure you keep Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules out of reach of children and consult your physician before use with children.
Can I take Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
Not enough is known about the use of Lobelia during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Please consult your physician before taking Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules.
How are Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules prepared?
Each herb comes to our location in raw form; we grind our herbs down into powder form; from there, we fill every capsule by hand.
Can Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules cure my health condition?
We do not promote Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Why choose Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules?
Remedy's Nutrition® Lobelia Capsules are made from 100% pure and high-quality Lobelia inflata herb. They are pharmacist reviewed and approved and free of fillers, additives, and preservatives. Quality and potency are guaranteed!
You can buy Lobelia | 1000 mg, 60 Vegan Capsules using cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Dai, USDC, Shiba Inu, Binance USD, Wrapped Bitcoin, Pax Dollar, Gemini Dollar.

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