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Monero GUI

1 2.9
titles.downloads [on the home of Monero, a digital currency that is secure, private, and untraceable]
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
Wallet Anonymity
Wallet Security
Windows Mac OS Linux
Wallet Ease of use
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Monero GUI is the first official Monero wallet to offer a graphic user interface which means users don't need to use the command line terminal in order to use the wallet. The wallet requires the user to run a full node which means a full copy of the Monero blockchain must be kept, actively...
Show more...Monero GUI is the first official Monero wallet to offer a graphic user interface which means users don't need to use the command line terminal in order to use the wallet. The wallet requires the user to run a full node which means a full copy of the Monero blockchain must be kept, actively assisting the Monero network. When using this wallet, the user has complete control of his private keys which is always advisable for both security and privacy reasons.

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this very good wallet. monero is my best coin. really recomend to all

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