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CherrySwap is the automatic market-making protocol based on OKExChain(OEC).
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CherrySwap is the automatic market-making protocol based on OKExChain(OEC).
It adopts the mechanism of Automatic Market Maker (AMM) and aims to achieve self-driven liquidity creation with diversified functions such as liquidity mining, IFO, NFT, lottery, and DAO, so as to provide participants...
Show more...CherrySwap is the automatic market-making protocol based on OKExChain(OEC).
It adopts the mechanism of Automatic Market Maker (AMM) and aims to achieve self-driven liquidity creation with diversified functions such as liquidity mining, IFO, NFT, lottery, and DAO, so as to provide participants with the maximum value bonus.

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The DEX for the Interoperable Future.


All in one decentralized exchange for leveraging diversified funds across ecosystems, with the speed of Fantom Opera


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