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1linch Exchange

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The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space.
Arbitrum Avalanche Binance Smart Chain Ethereum Gnosis chain Optimism more... Polygon
1inch WalletConnect Authereum Bitski Coinbase wallet FunFair Wallet Fortmatic more... Ledger Mew Portis Torus Trezor Venly WalletConnect
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Mojito Finance is a decentralized exchange running on KCC, with lots of features that let you earn and win tokens

1inch is an exchange aggregator that scans decentralized exchanges to find the lowest cryptocurrency prices for traders, and is powered by its 1INCH utility and governance token. 1INCH is used to furnish the platform's decentralized "instant governance" model, and facilitates liquidity mining...
Show more...1inch is an exchange aggregator that scans decentralized exchanges to find the lowest cryptocurrency prices for traders, and is powered by its 1INCH utility and governance token. 1INCH is used to furnish the platform's decentralized "instant governance" model, and facilitates liquidity mining through token staking.

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Mojito Finance is a decentralized exchange running on KCC, with lots of features that let you earn and win tokens

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