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HostingIdol is a premier web solutions provider. Since our debut, HostingIdol has continuously found fresh ways to help small businesses fully harness the web. We are more than just a hosting company.
Hosting type
WebHosting VDS/VPS Dedicated
Additional services
Domains SSL
Online chat
Payment gateway
Phone (+359)988-824-406
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HostingIdol is a premier web solutions provider. Since our debut, HostingIdol has continuously found fresh ways to help small businesses fully harness the web. We are more than just a hosting company. We help businesses create a strong online presence.

Web hosting is extremely complicated and...
Show more...HostingIdol is a premier web solutions provider. Since our debut, HostingIdol has continuously found fresh ways to help small businesses fully harness the web. We are more than just a hosting company. We help businesses create a strong online presence.

Web hosting is extremely complicated and the industry highly technical. At HostingIdol, we pride in our ability on removing the complications, so that you can have a great experience. As far as technical stuff is concerned, you can rest easy, because we’ve have them all covered.

We’ve a vast experience of web hosting, having powered more than hundreds of websites. We’ve got the expertise, technology, and tools to get you on the web in no time at all.

But what truly separates us from others is the human element we bring into everything we do. Each decision of ours is driven by the desire to offer you the best possible user experience.

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