Hosting NeironVPS Pty Ltd
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Hosting NeironVPS Pty Ltd

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NeironVPS is backed by many years of experience.
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NeironVPS is not a newcomer to the web hosting industry by any stretch of the imagination, and has been in business since 1999 starting out with their own infrastructures, networks, and in-house staff. If you are looking for a web hosting solution that can provide TRUE 24/7 semi-managed support,...
Show more...NeironVPS is not a newcomer to the web hosting industry by any stretch of the imagination, and has been in business since 1999 starting out with their own infrastructures, networks, and in-house staff. If you are looking for a web hosting solution that can provide TRUE 24/7 semi-managed support, NeironVPS will be able to more than meet your needs. Due to the fact that we have real people taking care of all of our tickets, we can guarantee that 99% of the tickets that are put into our system will have a personal reply to them within 30 min. NeironVPS is backed by many years of experience, and due to that experience we have implemented a significant amount of disaster planning in order to preserve any enterprise-level data, and the services surrounding that data.

Hosting NeironVPS Pty Ltd reviews

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It's one of the best I think. Neironvps support is really great. I never had to wait more than 10 minutes for a reply. Problems are solved quickly. They are always friendly. Their 99.9% uptime guarantee does really work. One of the best places to get stable VPS hosting solutions at reasonable rates.


I had tried several web hosts before I started using NeironVPS cheap VPS hosting in Germany. I have to admit that every time I wanted to leave my current host and now I don't. That is really great, because I managed to find right host for me and now I'm really happy. When I had issue with MySQL database and my custom made web application their tech support team helped me a lot and as result... Read moreI had tried several web hosts before I started using NeironVPS cheap VPS hosting in Germany. I have to admit that every time I wanted to leave my current host and now I don't. That is really great, because I managed to find right host for me and now I'm really happy. When I had issue with MySQL database and my custom made web application their tech support team helped me a lot and as result now everything is running smoothly. That is something what makes me really pleased with the service I have. You get what you pay for. That is my case. I pay for professional services and I do get them.


Now after some time being hosted with Neironvps VPS hosting in Europe (they also provide secure ddos protection) I have to say that my friend was wrong. My web based project is not being limited. I use as much as I need and that makes me exited! Good service, polite support and sales working around the clock. That makes me thing I’m having a real bargain.


It happends so that Neironvps is my first and last choice, i have been with them for 3 months now and i never regret for choosing them, they are simply very nice and always helpful, really top-notch quality of support, i highly recommend you to try their serivce specially their prices are really helpful.


From day one, I have received excellent and courteous service from Neironvps staff. In fact, of all the hosting companies I have been with I have NEVER received a phone call, let alone talk to a real person! They have always responded quickly to my website concerns and have never experienced any downtime due outages or server problems. I love the personal experience I get with their service... Read moreFrom day one, I have received excellent and courteous service from Neironvps staff. In fact, of all the hosting companies I have been with I have NEVER received a phone call, let alone talk to a real person! They have always responded quickly to my website concerns and have never experienced any downtime due outages or server problems. I love the personal experience I get with their service and the fact that they speak English! Believe it or not that something I can appreciate after going through so many hosting providers.


In an online world with many schlocky web hosting outfits that boast (unlimited) this or that services - and, often not a word of truth behind their claims - Neironvps is an honest, reliable, and reputable web hosting provider that goes above and beyond in support of customer needs. Neironvps's technical support is second-to-none in responsiveness, in my opinion. Tickets addressed in minutes.


I've never had any issues and love Neironvps ability to up all the server stats on the fly during our busy seasons. Like most people, I've tried a variety of hosting companies and, although I haven't had many troubles, I've dealt with overloaded servers, slow customer service and various account limitations. Uptime is perfect. I am so glad and will continue using their service.


If you are searching for a hosting provider and have had bad experience in the past with speed, service, support or features then stop your search, click the register button don't look back. Time and time again the superb support staff at Neironvps have gone out of their way to help with issues I have normally created myself. All hosting companies will have issues from time to time, but it is... Read moreIf you are searching for a hosting provider and have had bad experience in the past with speed, service, support or features then stop your search, click the register button don't look back. Time and time again the superb support staff at Neironvps have gone out of their way to help with issues I have normally created myself. All hosting companies will have issues from time to time, but it is how they deal with those issues that matters and yet again this is where Neironvps shows why they are loved by their customers.


24/7 support is there when we need it, even in the middle of the night! Phone Support is available during the day light hours and provides a perfect opportunity to get some first hand information and assistance from a friendly voice always ready to help! I am blessed with having found NeironVPS provider. They not only help me with my website's various problems but patiently give advice on my... Read more24/7 support is there when we need it, even in the middle of the night! Phone Support is available during the day light hours and provides a perfect opportunity to get some first hand information and assistance from a friendly voice always ready to help! I am blessed with having found NeironVPS provider. They not only help me with my website's various problems but patiently give advice on my other computer technical problems.

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