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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


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We are Singapore-based crypto to crypto exchange. We have more than 140 coins pairs.

Bitxmi is an exchange based in Singapore but operated for the entire world. We provide fast and convenient cryptocurrency trading that includes 40 coin pairs with famous currencies, e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin,...
Show more...We are Singapore-based crypto to crypto exchange. We have more than 140 coins pairs.

Bitxmi is an exchange based in Singapore but operated for the entire world. We provide fast and convenient cryptocurrency trading that includes 40 coin pairs with famous currencies, e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Binance Coin, and many more.

Our team of professionals works hard to ensure the seamless and smooth running of our exchange. Bitxmi has a users first philosophy that is based on security and reliability. You can find our exact list of features below.

Key Features

Fee rebate for high volume traders and whales.
Trading limits up to 3 BTC per day for new users and 99 BTC for verified traders.
Cold wallets used for storage of funds at the exchange.
Funds are insured.
Quick and efficient order matching system that combines Buys and Sells.
Fast API protocols designed for smooth trading.
Native clients for iOS and Android .
Multilingual support that includes English, Chinese Hindi, French, Korean, Russian, Japanese, and Arabic.

Security Measures

At Bitxmi, the security and safety of our users are top most priority. Our exchange features several traditional security measures to protect our users from unpleasant experience.

Our servers are heavily backed by the best security measures in the industry.
We utilize cold wallets to store funds of traders.
All the users funds are insured.

Know Your Customer (KYC) & Anti Money Laundering Policy

Being a Singapore based exchange, we are fully committed to ensuring that our platform is not used for money laundering, terrorism funding and the facilitation of any crime. That's why we have drafted a comprehensive KYC / AML / CFT policy which lists the minimum standards that must be met.

Our customers can easily be identified through a number of ways. These include but are not limited to identification through passports, other identification documents or cards, bills with their addresses, etc. We always ensure that copies of the clients’ relevant information is stored in our database.
Anti Money Laundering (AML) Measures

We have recruited a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) who works at a senior level, independent and above all procedures. The officer checks and ensures that trading meet the industry rules and requirements. Here are the exact tasks of MLRO

● Setting up and maintaining Risk-Based Approach (RBA).
● Checking Know Your Customer (KYC) practices to mitigate risks.
● Monitoring of ongoing customer activities through risk-scanning systems.
● Reporting suspicious activity within the platform.
● Keeping of regular records even for the smallest of prescribed periods.
● Educating employees about potential risks related to frauds and money laundering.
International Sanctions Policy (ISP)
According to the International Sanctions Policy (ISP), our exchange doesn t indulge in any transactions with individuals, companies, and countries that are placed on the sanction lists.

Bitxmi discounts and special offers

Only $1 withdrawal fee

Only $1 withdrawal fee in USDT, TRC &ERC

NO KYC Daily withdrawal

NO KYC $1500 Daily withdrawal limit

Bitxmi reviews

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They write that you can withdraw up to 1500 USD without KYC, but in fact I started XMR and had to go through KYC and prove where I have XMR.

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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


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