5 of the most common things people can buy with cryptocurrency

It’s no secret that for consumers, cryptocurrency has become a common alternative to traditional money because of its global accessibility and its ability to be used online on multiple large platforms like Twitch and Microsoft.

Aside from browsing online and spending money, for casino enthusiasts, cryptocurrency has revolutionized gaming. Because casinos have so many games, they have created games with better odds and others with comprehensive guides on how to play and succeed. Each guide with gaming tips will be different according to the game’s rules. For example, blackjack tips will make reference to Hit or Standing and card rankings, which will not be relevant to every crypto game.

While games can be appealing, for those who don’t play in online casinos, the thrill of shopping online with cryptocurrency is tempting for an everyday shop. As it has become so common, we thought it would be interesting to list the top 5 things that people choose to buy with cryptocurrency each day.

5 of the most common things people can buy with cryptocurrency

1. Clothes

Yes, you might think people would choose to buy surprising things with their cryptocurrency, but purchasing new outfits is just as good of a way to use new currency! Primarily because online stores are now accepting crypto as payment, clothing can easily be bought from major brands. From the department store brands, PacSun, H&M and Hollister accept crypto with cryptocurrency wallets.

On the luxury end, Balenciaga, Ralph Lauren, and Gucci accept crypto. If you’re looking to shop online, look into which coins the brand you want to purchase from accepts and if you need a particular crypto wallet to complete purchases. Happy shopping!

2. Groceries

While not many major grocery stores commonly accept cryptocurrency as a valid form of payment, some online stores offer gift cards to which a balance of cryptocurrency can be added, like Target.

WholeFoods now accepts select cryptocurrencies at selected stores in the USA. It made this announcement back in 2019, so if you can find a store, you might just be able to use your crypto to get your weekly shop!

For people who live in South Africa and the city of Johannesburg, the grocery chain Pick n Pay now accepts crypto. In November 2022, the grocery chain began accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method for food. Of course, check your local store and confirm before you load up your cart with things!

3. Gift cards

As a staple gift, gift cards are an easy gift when you don’t know what to get someone or if you don’t have the time to select and wrap something up. These days, you can purchase gift cards anywhere in stores and online so you don’t even have to leave your home to get one. In this case, many brands that supply gift cards have started to accept cryptocurrency as the balance for the gift card.

The benefit of putting crypto on a gift card is that it can retain its value. For those with friends who may be interested in crypto, a crypto-filled gift card to use for something that they like is a great choice for a personable gift that doesn’t require too much effort.

4. Subscription Services

In the digital age, subscription services are the norm for many platforms and apps. Streaming services are some of the biggest services known to have monthly subscriptions to which prices often change.

For this reason, some people may wish to pay using cryptocurrency instead of using their main income from their jobs. Unfortunately, the most popular streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Video don’t accept cryptocurrency. However, some still are open to using cryptocurrency. Sling TV and Twitch are some of the more well-known streaming services that do accept crypto!

If you’re in the minority group that doesn’t use streaming services, other subscriptions you can use cryptocurrency with are with Microsoft and Even Time Magazine, if you’re an article reader. When paying for a new subscription, it is a good idea to check if they accept cryptocurrency before paying out for it.

5. Gaming accessories/game services

Crypto enthusiasts commonly use crypto for gaming, particularly in the realm of crypto casinos.

For those who don’t know how to game with crypto, it is best first to research how to game with crypto for beginners to get good at your chosen game.

Gaming with cryptocurrency can be done in a few ways depending on the type of game and the game’s origin. For payments, cryptocurrency is used for game add-ins and collectibles which usually have a fixed price per item. For payouts, some specific sites that deal in crypto will give players prize money in cryptocurrency which will be directly transported into their online wallets.

Online crypto wallets exist so players can store their cryptocurrency safely and they are kept safe from fraud with this. Aside from crypto casinos, some streaming sites accept cryptocurrency for payouts in the form of gift cards.

Depending on the particular crypto and streaming site, the allowance of cryptocurrency will vary. However, for singular purchases, cryptocurrency is appreciated on many platforms, you just have to do your research!