Sorby on Sedimentology

Condition: Acceptable. All pages seem to be intact and in order, however pages in the first half of the text have departed from the binding. See photos.
A collection of papers from 1851 to 1908 by Henry Clifton Sorby. 
"This volume is the first in a new series of reprints and translations...
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Condition: Acceptable. All pages seem to be intact and in order, however pages in the first half of the text have departed from the binding. See photos.
A collection of papers from 1851 to 1908 by Henry Clifton Sorby. 
"This volume is the first in a new series of reprints and translations that are designed to make available to the widest possible audience those works that can be considered milestones in the advancement of geology...The selection of Sorby for this first volume is singularly appropriate as he is the father of systematic petrology. First time readers of these papers will, be amazed to that almost a hundred years ago Sorby had developed and applied most of the methods and approaches in use today.  We trust that readers will also gain a deepened awareness of Sorby's genius and considerable inspiration from this example of what one penetrating intellect can accomplish with simple tools. "
 Published: Instituto Geologico y Minero de España, 1983
SKU: SO-1077
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