Yield App
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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and reliable instant service for cryptocurrency and fiat-to-crypto exchanges. It is an easy-to-use and free from the...


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Platform to help you buy and sell your favorite cryptocurrencies using a variety of (often unusual) payment methods

We're a community-driven platform that incubates innovative Web3 products and projects through our Yield App Labs research and development hub. This ensures our users gain access to carefully vetted and curated opportunities, all backed by Yield App's rigorous due diligence process.

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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and reliable instant service for cryptocurrency and fiat-to-crypto exchanges. It is an easy-to-use and free from the...


Online exchanger aggregator


Platform to help you buy and sell your favorite cryptocurrencies using a variety of (often unusual) payment methods

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