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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and reliable instant service for cryptocurrency and fiat-to-crypto exchanges. It is an easy-to-use and free from the...

Innovative Crypto Trade Tools At Your Finger Tips

StealthEX is an instant non-custodial crypto exchange for fast and limitless swaps with no KYC. Currently, the platform holds over 1500 assets...

Xult is a sleek, modern and blazing fast cryptocurrency exchange. We have very simple and fast verification process. What makes Xult different?


As have obviously noticed transparency is really an important factor to us. We plan to continue with this approach with Xult, for...
Show more...Xult is a sleek, modern and blazing fast cryptocurrency exchange. We have very simple and fast verification process. What makes Xult different?


As have obviously noticed transparency is really an important factor to us. We plan to continue with this approach with Xult, for example, by letting the community make decisions regarding new coin listings, revealing the details of the exchange team, publishing the information about the exchange operator, etc.

Excellent customer support

You can relate with your experiences on other exchanges that the customer support is what gives you ‘a headache’ while handling issues related to trading. For coins that are listed on exchanges, time is crucial too. And not all exchanges can react as quickly as their users and business partners expect. We plan to keep the 24-hour time of the response that we set for the, and maintain that standard for all our services!

User Experience

User experience was one of the main points of focus while working on Xult. During our research, we had interviews with potential users, noting the problems they encountered on other exchanges, verifying features we will offer them, and making sure that we’re providing a unique value for our persona – the semi-professional trader. We believe that by leveraging the beneficial features of Xult, we will build a great customer experience. reviews

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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and reliable instant service for cryptocurrency and fiat-to-crypto exchanges. It is an easy-to-use and free from the...

Innovative Crypto Trade Tools At Your Finger Tips

StealthEX is an instant non-custodial crypto exchange for fast and limitless swaps with no KYC. Currently, the platform holds over 1500 assets...

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